Our Services
Quantum is a Human Resources and Recruitment Consultancy firm with offices in Singapore and Myanmar. Our ideal customers are Foreign Companies investing or that are going to invest in Myanmar.
Our aim is to assist and take care of the HR matters; from recruitment to retirement, while our clients mainly focus on their business strategies and core activities.
On the other hand, we prove our services with cost-efficient ways to clients in terms of time and money. We are aware that it is not an easy matter to start operating in a business in a new country due to the local practices they follow, the local laws, or the impact you picture to have in the future. To help our customers get away with that, we work in different fields to help them adapt easier.
Our services include Executive Search, Manpower Outsourcing, Payroll Management, and Managed HR Services.
Our people are helping to develop policies that align with global practices and the local regulations (and practices). We also have proven records to fit the local requests and adapt them to international viewpoints and vice versa.
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